xder pape kowt nk post mlm ni ~~
dont worry....
ade gak la cket input untuk rujukan kawan2.....
urmmm..today kita ckp sal expatriates la....
bnda ni pnting unt kita taw especially bila kita dah ade company sndiri suatu masa nanti...insyaAllah...mudah-mudahan.....
expatriates ni dngan kata mudah adelah...seseorang dalam syarikat dihantar ke syarikat di luar negara untuk tempoh tertentu....maksudnya dalam bertahun-tahun la jgak.....yang kdang2 ade gak antra diorng ni dah sebati dh ngn negara tu,so...diorng bermautatin kat situ.....
bkan saje kate org kita dhntar ke luar negara.....
org luar yg dtg bkerja kt negara kita pom dpanggil expatriates jgak.....
tp mat bangla tu x sya x pasti ar yer or x...huk22...
lau nk taw...tnya la mat2 bangla.....hehe
mohler kite same2 terokai ape sbenarnya yg di merepekkn oleh slimutputis ni....tp x bnyak pom...cket jerr...lau bnyak2 nnti....kecian lectrer2 Human Resources Managemnt....xdapat cari makan....
what is expatriates
- An employee who is working and temporarily residing in a foreign country
- Some firms prefer to use the term “international assignees”
- Expatriates are PCNs from the parent country operations, TCNs transferred to either HQ or another subsidiary, and HCNs transferred into the parent country
- Global flow of HR: more complexity in activities and more involvement
in employees' lives
Reasons for Expatriate Failure
1.Inability of spouse to adjust
2.Manager’s inability to adjust
3. Family problems
4.Manager’s personal or emotional maturity
5.Inability to cope with larger overseas responsibility
6.Lack of technical competence
7.Difficulties with new environment
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